Good Medicinal Plants to Grow that Can Also Help Bee Populations

Good Medicinal Plants to Grow that Can Also Help Bee Populations


Did you know that bees are responsible for pollinating more than 30% of the food that the world eats?  Not only that, but bee populations have been steadily decreasing at about 30% over the past decade as well.  While there are a lot of causes for this mass die-off, from genetically modified foods to pesticides and viruses, replacing what has been lost has been a challenge.  While some signs point to the stabilization of the rate of decline, we are at a precipitous point in our history as our future may very well hinge on whether or not bees thrive or start dying off again.

One of the best things that we can do to help bring back the bee population is to plant crops that attract them.  Not only that, but having bee-friendly plants on your property or homestead can also encourage the growth of your own crops as well.  Let’s take a look at a few plants that can be used to attract bees, and some of them are also good to have around for various reasons as well.



Sunflowers make an excellent addition to any yard or homestead not only because they look pretty, but because they are also nutritious.  The seeds can provide us with a healthy source of oil, as well as high levels of vitamin E, magnesium, selenium and numerous other compounds that help to boost our immune system, contribute to healthy circulation as well as the management of cholesterol.  These are just a few of many benefits associated with sunflowers, and if you live in a climate conducive to their growth, consider planting a row or two that you and the bees can both benefit from.



Lavender is a potent antiseptic and disinfectant as well as a great anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent.  It has been used for centuries to help alleviate respiratory problems, improve circulation, boost moods and calm the nervous system.  Lavender is also very easy to grow and care for, and having your own on hand can provide you with access to a wide-range of medicinal benefits over the course of time.



Believe it or not, bees love the smell of oregano, and oregano is an essential component of any good herb garden.  Aside from it’s flavor-enhancing properties, oregano is also a well-known antibiotic and anti-fungal agent, immune booster and anti-inflammatory agent.  Oregano is also linked to helping the body to fight various bacterial infections as well, particularly those that affect the upper-respiratory system.  These are just a few of many benefits associated with oregano, and it may be worth your while to do a little research and discover why this herb is so important to have on hand. 


yarrow with bee

Yarrow has primarily been used over the years to treat things like colds, fevers as well as minor digestive problems.  In fact, remedies date back to more than a thousand years.  It has also been used in first aid as a way to stop bleeding by promoting clotting, and yarrow is considered to be an excellent source of nutrients that promote overall blood health.

Sage and Rosemary


Sage and rosemary are closely-related and provide similar medicinal benefits in addition to attracting bees.  There are links between taking sage on a regular basis and improvements in memory and cognitive functioning.  Sage is also an excellent anti-inflammatory agent as well as a powerful antioxidant.  It also doesn’t take a lot of sage to trigger positive responses in the body.  It is also known to soothe minor skin conditions as well as helping to strengthen the structural integrity of our bones. 

Rosemary is known to help to protect brain cells and regulate brain chemistry, works as an excellent anti-inflammatory and is even linked to slowing the progress of macular degeneration.  Combined, rosemary and sage not only provide you with a supply of delicious herbs for food, but incorporating them into your diet on a regular basis can have tremendous medicinal value as well.  Best of all, they are easy to grow and can thrive in diverse climates.

Learn more about how you can optimize your herb or flower garden in order to provide you with basic medicines as well as excellent flavors now as well as during a time when you will need to be as self-sufficient as possible.  There are literally dozens of other plants that you can grow to enhance nutrition, promote health and well-being and encourage bees to wander through your garden at the same time. 


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