4 Mistakes Preppers Make Early On

4 Mistakes Preppers Make Early On


Focus on essentials.

You don’t have to buy everything that you think you need right away. Start with the basics. Obtain some food, water and basic supplies that can fill up your pantry and toolbox. Get a bug-out-bag and keep that at the ready day and night. If something does happen sooner rather than later, at least you will have something on hand and in place that you can work with.


Develop an initial plan based on what you have.

It’s really easy to come up with complicated plans that are detailed and elaborate. Your goal is to get out of danger and support yourself until the dust settles after a disaster. Plan accordingly. Have an escape route, a couple of sheltering options in place, some basic supplies and cash. Build from there, but keep it simple and doable in the beginning.



Focus on building skills.

There is a huge emphasis on planning and purchasing the right supplies to accommodate any circumstance that may come our way. But, do you have the skills to use the tools that you have acquired, under stress, in the heat of the moment? Practice how to hunt, trek through the woods, make an off-road getaway and apply first aid. Take time to learn human behavior, consider what you will do for self-defense. Do you know how to skin a cat or fillet a fish? Can you build a fire with little more than a stick and some brush? Build skills and learn how to survive so that when the time comes to enact your plan, you will be ready.


Build your network.

Survivalists by nature tend to be solitary cats who distrust outsiders. However, there is strength in numbers, and you will benefit from learning from those who have been doing this for a while. Ask questions, build relationships and spend some free time hanging out with fellow preppers and brainstorming. You also want to have people in your life that you can count on during difficult times. This is a thorny area, because you don’t want to be exposed to leeches, mooches and threats when things hit the fan, but the less isolated you are, the more options you will have when the time comes. Reach out and make some associations with other like-minded folks now while times are still relatively peaceful.


New preppers are embarking on a journey that will alter their way of life and viewpoint of the world. However, it’s important to focus on the basics and develop skills while also building up an arsenal of supplies and resources. Take things step-by-step, over the course of time, and don’t worry about getting it all right in the beginning. Your skills and experience will grow as you move forward, and while there’s a sense of urgency associated with being prepared, there’s no reason to rush head-long into this whole affair either.



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